Seven Sacred Stations of the Self & Seven Flaming Fiats of Light upon the Seven Cosmic-Physical Rays
CAD $11.95

Magnificent Magus Publications
Trade Paperback
52 pages
15.5 x 19 x 0.5 cm
(6 1/8 x 7 1/2 x 1/5 in)
0.10 kg
(0 lb 4 oz)



Seven Sacred Stations of the Self & Seven Flaming Fiats of Light upon the Seven Cosmic-Physical Rays

These simple “Stations” serve to rightly align and gently, (but rootedly), fix the disciple to his Higher Self. The forceful “Flaming Fiats” in their turn, act to invoke into the erstwhile student’s life a powerful Soul-Resonance, and activate a creative descent of both the positive and healing, qualitative energies of the Seven Rays.

These simple and practical 'Stations and Fiats' can be read, used in contemplation or in meditation for oneself, or in service for the wellbeing of others and Humanity. (An integral excerpt from The Divine Concordance of Light.) 

A series of potentially powerful progressions for spiritual use.

Provides practical service in the field of spiritual help